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Celebrating with Heart: Small Brother Birthday Wishes in Marathi

When it comes to celebrating the birthday of a beloved small brother, the words we choose can mean the world. For those who share the bond of language and culture, expressing heartfelt birthday wishes in Marathi adds a deeply personal touch to the festivities. In this blog post, we’ll explore a variety of ways to say happy birthday to your younger brother in Marathi, blending tradition with the warmth of sibling love.

30 Heartfelt Small Brother Birthday Wishes in Marathi

Celebrate your little brother’s special day with these carefully crafted birthday wishes in Marathi, each one designed to express love, admiration, and hopes for his future.

  1. वाढदिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा, माझा लहान भाऊ! (Vāḍhadivasācyā śubhēcchā, mājhā lahān bhāū!) – Happy birthday, my little brother!
  2. तुला वाढदिवसाच्या खूप खूप शुभेच्छा! (Tulā vāḍhadivasācyā khūp khūp śubhēcchā!) – Lots of birthday wishes to you!
  3. तुझा वाढदिवस साजरा करण्यासाठी मी उत्सुक आहे. (Tujhā vāḍhadivasa sājarā karaṇyāsāṭhī mī utsuk āhē.) – I am excited to celebrate your birthday.
  4. आजचा दिवस तुला खूप आनंद आणि सुख मिळो. (Ājachā divasa tulā khūp ānand āṇi sukha miḷo.) – May today bring you lots of happiness and joy.
  5. तू खूप विशेष आहेस, भाऊ! (Tū khūp viśēṣa āhēsa, bhāū!) – You are very special, brother!
  6. तुझ्या जीवनातील प्रत्येक क्षण सुखाचा आणि यशाचा असो. (Tujhyā jīvanātīla pratyēka kṣaṇa sukhācā āṇi yaśācā aso.) – May every moment of your life be filled with happiness and success.
  7. तुझा आजचा दिवस उत्सवमय होवो! (Tujhā ājachā divasa utsavamaya hovo!) – May your day be festive!
  8. देव तुला नेहमी सुखी आणि आरोग्यवान ठेवो. (Dēva tulā nēhamī sukhī āṇi ārogyavāna ṭhēvō.) – May God always keep you happy and healthy.
  9. तुझे सर्व स्वप्न पूर्ण होवोत, भाऊ. (Tujhē sarva svapna pūrṇa hovota, bhāū.) – May all your dreams come true, brother.
  10. तुझ्या वाढदिवसाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा, माझ्या प्रिय भावाला. (Tujhyā vāḍhadivasācyā hārdika śubhēcchā, mājhyā priya bhāvālā.) – Heartfelt birthday wishes to my dear brother.
  11. आयुष्याच्या प्रत्येक पडावात तुला यशस्वी होऊ दे. (Āyuṣyācyā pratyēka paḍāvāta tulā yaśasvī hō’ū dē.) – May you be successful at every stage of life.
  12. तू नेहमीच आमच्या कुटुंबाचा अभिमान आहेस. (Tū nēhamicā āmacyā kuṭumbācā abhimāna āhēsa.) – You are always the pride of our family.
  13. तुझ्या भविष्यातील प्रगतीसाठी शुभेच्छा! (Tujhyā bhaviṣyātīla pragatīsāṭhī śubhēcchā!) – Wishes for your future progress!
  14. तुला तुझ्या वाढदिवसाच्या अनेक शुभेच्छा! (Tulā tujhyā vāḍhadivasācyā anēka śubhēcchā!) – Many birthday wishes to you!
  15. तुझ्या वाढदिवसाची खूप खूप आठवण येते. (Tujhyā vāḍhadivasācī khūp khūp āṭhavaṇa yētē.) – I have many fond memories of your birthday.
  16. तुझा वाढदिवस म्हणजे आमच्या कुटुंबासाठी उत्सव. (Tujhā vāḍhadivasa mhaṇajē āmacyā kuṭumbāsāṭhī utsava.) – Your birthday is a celebration for our family.
  17. जन्मदिनाच्या शुभेच्छा, तू नेहमी खूष राहा! (Janmadinācyā śubhēcchā, tū nēhamī khūṣa rāhā!) – Birthday wishes, always stay happy!
  18. तुला तुझ्या आवडीच्या सर्व गोष्टी मिळोत. (Tulā tujhyā āvaḍīcyā sarva gōṣṭī miḷōta.) – May you get all the things you love.
  19. आजच्या दिवशी तुझ्या सर्व इच्छा पूर्ण होवोत. (Ājacyā divaśī tujhyā sarva icchā pūrṇa hovōta.) – May all your wishes come true today.
  20. तू आमच्या आयुष्यातील आनंदाचा स्रोत आहेस. (Tū āmacyā āyuṣyātīla ānandācā srōta āhēsa.) – You are the source of joy in our lives.
  21. तुझ्या वाढदिवसाच्या प्रत्येक क्षणाचा आनंद घे. (Tujhyā vāḍhadivasācyā pratyēka kṣaṇācā ānand ghē.) – Enjoy every moment of your birthday.
  22. आज तू तुझ्या इच्छा अनुसार दिवस घालव. (Āja tū tujhyā icchā anusāra divasa ghālava.) – Spend the day as you wish today.
  23. तुझ्या वाढदिवसाला आम्ही सर्वजण खूप आनंदी आहोत. (Tujhyā vāḍhadivasālā āmhī sarvajaṇa khūpa ānandī āhōta.) – We are all very happy on your birthday.
  24. तुझ्या वाढदिवसाच्या या खास दिवशी, तू सदैव खुशाल राहा. (Tujhyā vāḍhadivasācyā yā khāsa divaśī, tū sadaiva khuśāla rāhā.) – On this special day of your birthday, always stay happy.
  25. तू माझ्या जीवनातला एक अत्यंत महत्वाचा भाग आहेस. (Tū mājhyā jīvanātalā ēka atyaṁta mahatvācā bhāga āhēsa.) – You are an extremely important part of my life.
  26. तुझ्या वाढदिवसावर माझ्या कडून खूप प्रेम. (Tujhyā vāḍhadivasāvara mājhyā kaḍūna khūpa prēma.) – Lots of love from me on your birthday.
  27. आयुष्यभर तू सुखी राहा, हीच इच्छा. (Āyuṣyabhara tū sukhī rāhā, hīca icchā.) – Wishing you happiness throughout your life.
  28. तुझा हा वाढदिवस तुला खूप सुखाचा जावो. (Tujhā hā vāḍhadivasa tulā khūpa sukhācā jāvō.) – May this birthday bring you great joy.
  29. तुझ्या आजच्या दिवसात खूप सारे उत्साह आणि मजा असो. (Tujhyā ājacyā divasāta khūpa sārē utsāha āṇi majā asō.) – May your day today be full of enthusiasm and fun.
  30. आजच्या खास दिवशी तुला सर्वात सुंदर शुभेच्छा! (Ājacyā khāsa divaśī tulā sarvāta sundara śubhēcchā!) – The most beautiful wishes to you on this special day!
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1. Crafting the Perfect Wish

Choosing the right words to express your feelings can make your little brother’s birthday truly special. Here are some tips to consider:

  • Personalize Your Message: Think about what makes your brother unique and include these qualities in your wishes.
  • Be Encouraging: Birthdays are a great opportunity to encourage him in his endeavors and dreams.
  • Make it Fun: Younger siblings often appreciate humor. A playful message can brighten his day.

2. Traditional Marathi Birthday Greetings

Begin with traditional greetings that are both respectful and affectionate. Here are some examples:

  • वाढदिवसाच्या शुभेच्छा, लहान भाऊ! (Vāḍhadivasācyā śubhēcchā, lahān bhāū!) – Happy Birthday, little brother!
  • तुला तुझ्या वाढदिवसाच्या हार्दिक शुभेच्छा! (Tulā tujhyā vāḍhadivasācyā hārdik śubhēcchā!) – Heartfelt birthday wishes to you on your birthday!

3. Heartfelt Wishes for Growth and Happiness

Express your hopes for his happiness and growth with these heartfelt wishes:

  • तुझ्या आयुष्यात सुख, समृद्धी आणि आनंद यावो. (Tujhyā āyuṣyāt sukha, samṛd’dhī āṇi ānand yāvo.) – May your life be filled with happiness, prosperity, and joy.
  • प्रत्येक वर्षासारखे तुझे जीवन सुंदर होऊ दे. (Pratyēk varṣāsārakhē tujhē jīvan sundar hō’ū dē.) – May your life become as beautiful as each passing year.

4. Blessings and Prayers in Marathi

Offer blessings and prayers for his well-being:

  • देव तुला नेहमी आशीर्वाद देवो. (Dēv tulā nēhamī āśīrvād dēvō.) – May God always bless you.
  • तुझ्या सर्व स्वप्नांची पूर्तता होऊ दे. (Tujhyā sarv svapnān̄cī pūrtatā hō’ū dē.) – May all your dreams come true.

5. Adding a Personal Touch

End your message with a personal note, recalling a cherished memory or an inside joke that only the two of you share. This personal touch will not only make him smile but also remind him of the special bond you share.

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Images Of Small Brother Birthday Wishes In Marathi


Sending birthday wishes to your small brother in Marathi is more than just a tradition—it’s a celebration of your roots and the unique bond you share. Whether you’re sending these wishes from afar or celebrating together, your heartfelt words in your native tongue will surely make his day memorable.

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Happy Birthday Wishes Gallery

Accompany these wishes with our gallery of beautifully crafted birthday messages and images, tailored to enhance the joy and warmth of sibling love on this special day. Choose the one that resonates with you, or draw inspiration to create your own heartfelt greeting.

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